Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Kowsar University of Bojnourd

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Kowsar University of


The emotional system is one of the discourses that are studied in the Sign-Semantic. In the emotional way, the interaction between large sets of signs, called forms of expression (sign) and content forms (signifying), fulfills the semantic-signification process. This interaction forms the basis of discussions in this system. This interactive relationship provides the opportunity for scholars to engage in a meaningful process with their perceptual, emotional, and emotional presence. Accordingly, in each discourse we come across different emotional mechanisms that can be studied. In fact, the emotional world is a language that has its own system, and it is the task of semantics, to study the system, and to examine the conditions of its realization and the outburst of meaning. The question that arises is how and under what discourse conditions this linguistic system can be studied. Based on this, The main question of the present study is which of the semantic mechanisms underlying the emotional process in the children of Raḍavī who are the pilgrim of ‘Abd al-Jabbār Kākāī? In addition, what process of realization and abundance of meaning is based on which discourse conditions occur? In fact, the purpose of the present study is to examine the sign-semantics of the emotional system in the discourse of the pilgrims' children in order to find out how meaning is created? The results and findings of the research show that the emotional discourse of pilgrim children is subordinate to the perceptual-sensory, aesthetic, transcendental, tension and physical mechanisms, and is based on a kind of emotional service. This research can be a model for analyzing and reviewing the dominant discourses on the Raḍavī culture and literature in the Raḍavī childhood.


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