Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Payam Noor University

2 PhD student of political science, Imam Sadiq University

3 MA in Islamic Studies and Political Science, Imam Sadiq University


Optimal governance and rule has always been a matter of Shiite discussion. The Shiite religion refers to Thaqalain to explain the good religious government and attempts to obtain the elements of an optimal government from traditions of the Prophet’s progeny (as) after reading the Qur’ān and explaining the concepts of governance in it. Imam Riḍā (as) crown prince is one of the most important periods in extracting the most important components of a good religious government. Imam Riḍā (as) tried to implement Islamic law during his rule. This research seeks to answer this question. What are the most important components of an optimal government from Imam Riḍā’s perspective? The main issue of the research is that what was considered by Imam Riḍā (as) at the Abbasid court as components for the Islamic state? The present study uses a descriptive-analytical method and utilizes library resources to study different periods of his leadership and has extracted the most important components of the optimal state from his perspective.
The Hermeneutic Intentionalism method by Quentin Skinner forms the theoretical framework for this study, according to which the time of Imam Riḍā (as) is described. Then, the important concepts of a good government have been explained from Imam Riḍā’s perspective. Of course, one should point out that the most important components of a good government from his point of view, as expressed in this article, are merely the possible components of the present paper's authors in the viewpoint of Imam Riḍā (as), and, otherwise, he has never directly expressed such components for the desirability of Islamic rule.


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