Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student majoring in Teaching Islamic Education, with Quran and Islamic Texts as Areas of Interest, Quran and Hadith University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor in Quran and Hadith Science Department, Farhangian University of Qom


Every relation is based on some principles, and the relationship between spouses is not an exception. As a comprehensive book of life, the Holy Quran has some suggestions for the spouses which are implied in its verses. Finding out reasons and intentions of the Quranic verses and presenting Quranic strategies in family and society level without utilizing Infallibles’ speech is something imperfect and less useful. Accordingly, the principles of couple’s relations in surah Nisa have been extracted and explained in accordance with Imam Reza (A.S)'s interpretive and non-interpretive traditions, in this paper. The most important references are narrative commentaries and Hadith references, i.e. the texts in which Imam Reza (A.S)'s viewpoints have been reflected with or without the verses. Surah Nisa contains the principles of couples' relations.  In this surah, the most important principles of couple’s relations have been defined in general by virtue of the equality between man and woman and genetic kinship and it emphasizes mutual rights and obligations existing between the husband and the wife. Also, it recognizes financial and management responsibility between the husband and the wife in accordance with each individual's situation and family community so that by considering all this situation, it determines regulations based on individual and social interests. The research method is library-based and analytic-descriptive. The scope of the present study is the verses including the principles of couple’s relations in surah Nisa.
