Document Type : Original Article


1 Instructor of Philosophy and Kalam Islamic of Razavi Islamic Sciences University

2 PhD student at Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Arabic Language and Literature of Razavi Islamic Sciences University

3 MA Arabic Language and Literature of Kharazmi University (Tehran)


The purpose of this paper is to clarify statements beauty of Mother Reza (AS) in the famous book "Shyfh Alrzvyh" is a small part of the book، the valuable heritage of Imam Reza (AS) is included . The Prophet (pbuh) in the statements of principles، moral values ​​through the precious words are full of innovative techniques have expressed publish. Imam (AS) have adopted a variety of novel techniques، such as his Drklam pun، rhyme marriage. The Imam (AS) use of such exquisite effect on the audience is more and more، while the Prophet (pbuh) to achieve this kind of beauty that makes more sense Vayhayy have enjoyed Vpyshtr word is، Vjalb he noted that despite the use of novel agents have never considered themselves legitimate religious content Azbyan has not gone unnoticed.
The authors approach this study is an analysis، in which samples were then described the novel as it can be derived from the Scriptures. And despite all the efforts of the authors expressed in these comments are Vgftary Aesthetic values​​.More About Arrays avoided because of the lack of space and of course، the author has provided as much as possible the need to analyze .

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