Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Political Sciences at Imam Sadiq University


One of the complicated and ambiguous issues in the field of politics and political affairs is the relationship between ethics and politics. Human society moves downward chaos and insecurity without the aid of politics and governance while politics, governance and political power requirements lead to the downfall of ethics as well as human and moral manners with the excuse of saving power and public interests. This research was an attempt to scrutinize and explore the relationship between ethics and politics based on religious teachings, especially the words (hadiths) and life stories of Imam Reza and his chaste ancestors. Considering the validity of the words of virtuous Imams (peace be upon them) and the necessity of adhering to the life stories and manners of religious leaders, the results of the present study could be used to recognize the relationship between ethics and politics from the viewpoint of theses noble teachings, which are based on the decrees of the Holy Legislator. The research method for developing this manuscript was the descriptive-analytic method. The research data was also analyzed based on hadiths and appropriate references within the framework of the manuscript. 


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