Document Type : Original Article


1 An faculty member of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

2 An M.A student in International law of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences


Different schools have tried to offer a kind of life style on their bases and their ideology. Islam, also offer an effective lifestyle on the basis of the Quran and the household of the prophet. In the version presented by Islam, a woman has a special effective status protecting her dignity in playing this role is effective.
Infallible Imams (AS) and among them Imam Reza (PBUH) have delineated the sanctity and dignity of Muslim women in Islamic intellectual system. This study attempts to consider that image which has been provided for a Muslim woman by Imam Reza (PBUH) in respect of sanctity and dignity. Recognition the dignity and status of women in Islamic society is essential due to providing an identity for the Muslim woman and being far away from subservience to secular culture.
The present article believes that the women's true dignity is in obeying and executing the commands of their religion in their life, family and society and thinks that man and woman are equal in creation, but the tender and sensitive spirit of woman needs special protection. The dignity of a woman is protected by herself and society and how social and personal interaction with her is very effective in this regard. Woman has a special personality with regard to her specific physical and psychological structure. Type of attitude toward women, her presence in the community, marriage, relationships with husbands and financing are important issues that the Eighth Imam has presented the way of protecting the dignity of women in each of them.
