Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Research Centre for Culture, Arts and Communication


One of the important and applied subject-matters in the social life is the kind of the interaction and mutual behaviors among humans.  The Qur-an and the Household of the Prophet(s) as the pure Islamic sources are full of valuable teachings on the method of interaction of humans with each other in different issues.  Instructions and correspondences of Imam Reza (a.s.) as an infallible Imam which is attributed to the God and inspired from the divine sciences , is a solid and firm support for cognition and practicing these divine teachings.
This research intends to respond to this main question : What are the main components in social interactions inspired from the letter of Imam Reza(a.s.) to Abdolazim Hasani(a.s.)?
What has been analyzed in this article includes cases which have been collected through a problem-oriented attitude reference to the Qur-an and creditable traditions of the infallible Imams in particular the instructions and practical behaviors of Imam Reaz(a.s.) , though in presenting these components, this research does not limit itself. On this basis , the main components in the mentioned social interactions include: Greetings and salutation , veracity , trusteeship , leave a dispute , beneficence, affection , visiting each other , empathy , abstinence from division
