Document Type : Original Article



Imam Reza’s hint to the rights related to friends, rules of friendship and features of a friend shows that Holinesse’s attention to the sturdiness of friendship bases from one hand and confronting against bad effects of a bad friend and favorite person on the other hand since, cultural invasion has aimed all aspects of Islamic life style such as Islamic friendship style, expressing the rules of Islamic way of making friends is useful for keeping friendship style considered by Islam. Expressing a style for facing a faithful person and his rights and also encouraging to take a brother (friend) for God, religious faith and idea shows the significance of faith in the Islamic friendship style. In the present research which has been done through the descriptive-analytic method, the response to the question Have the features of Islamic friendship pointed out in the words of Imam Reza (peace be upon him) has been investigated in order to help the style of Islamic friendship rules be promoted.
