Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Farhangian University

2 ELT department ,Farhangian University


The aim of the present research is to analyze the linguistic discourse of the pilgrims of Imam Reza's shrine . Therefore, the discourse of pilgrimage in the Holy Shrine is examined from two dimensions, verbal and non-verbal. In the verbal dimension, the data is collected and analyzed through the interviews pilgrims, and in the non-verbal dimension, through observation, an effort has been made to examine the performance of body language to understand the emotional concepts of the pilgrim and to determine which of the body movements and behaviors is most used during pilgrimage and performing rituals. Therefore, the data was collected through observation and interviews with 20 Iranian Shia or Sunni pilgrims between the ages of 20 and 60, who came to visit Imam Reza's shrine in the summer of 2022.The sampling method was targeted and accessible.
In this research, first the verbal data were analyzed based on Collaizzi and Dickelman's (1978) method, and then the relationship between the non-verbal gestures of the head, including eyebrow, eye and lip movements, ,hand and foot movements, with the level of pilgrims' emotions was examined. The results of this research show that in the theological dimension, the motivations for visiting the shrine are both material and spiritual, but the spiritual motivations, especially obtaining peace of mind, reward and intercession, are more important and evident. Among pilgrims' non-verbal behaviors, hand gestures have the largest contribution in explaining emotional perception. In fact, pilgrims convey different messages and establish more effective communication by using their hands
