Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Muhammad ibn Hassan Ḥur is one of the Shiite scholars of the 11th century of Hijri and one of the great narrators who has a high position in narrating the Ahl al-Bayt (as) hadiths. In this regard, he authored the book Wasāʾīl al-Shīʿa, which is considered an important reference in its subject. Sheikh ʿĀmili was an expert in intellectual and narrative sciences and has left behind precious works. Ḥur ʿĀmili's reputation in narrating hadith cast a shadow on his other works and put his other works under the shadow of this science. One of the artistic creations of this great scholar is his poetic nature, which is fully manifested in his 15,000 verses poem. The most important subject of Ḥur ʿĀmili's poetry book is the praise and lamentation of the Prophet's progeny. The handwritten version of this poetry book is full of dhikr of Ahl al-Bayt (as), which is written with the beautiful expression of the poet. Since this poetry book has not been published yet, the need to introduce and identify the valuable content of this work is much greater. Among the hundreds of religious and ritual odes in this poetry book, there is only one ode that is dedicated to the praise of Imam Riḍā (as). This poem contains valuable points and its expression is of special importance. One of the results of this research is the recognition of the argumentative dimension of the poet in using rational and narrative reasons in this ode, which is clearly evident in Ḥur ʿĀmili's eulogies centered on Ahl al-Bayt (as).


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