Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author)

2 Master in Islamic Education Teaching, Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Nowadays, the purification of human societies from multiplicity and reduction of destructive conflicts and militancy has been the focus of many thinkers with diverse approaches, and peaceful and reconciliation efforts are in search of effective strategies to achieve social solidarity. The main goal of this research is to explain the components of social solidarity by finding effective, contextual, inhibiting variables and consequences in the form of a systematic model. This research is fundamental based on the type of purpose and is qualitative in terms of method and has an inductive approach. For this purpose, by using the data base theory, after collecting the collection of Imam Riḍā's narrations, macro and micro ethical categories of the model are extracted and then the model of social solidarity is presented. The findings show that the realization of social solidarity requires attention to several categories. In this context, ethics, friendship, self-control, forgiveness, peaceful coexistence and providing security are the most important effective variables; and humility, helping others, tolerance and responsibility are the most important foundational categories. The inhibiting variables in this model are: unregulated interaction, spread of corruption, discord, and family breaks. The main consequence of social solidarity is the promotion of dignity and social empowerment.


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