Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.


Every year, a significant number of Shiites in the last days of the month of Ṣafar, especially from the anniversary of the death of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the martyrdom of Imam Hasan (as), from the 28th of Ṣafar to the day of the martyrdom of Imam Riḍā (as), the 30th of Ṣafar, go on foot to Mashhad al-Riḍā. This ritual, which on the one hand is the end of Muharram mourning and on the other hand honors the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Imam Hasan and Imam Riḍā (as), has become a ritual that can be examined based on the opinions of Mircha Eliadeh, a religious phenomenologist. In the upcoming research, we will analyze this ritual by descriptive analytical method and relying on the views of Mircha Eliade. This research shows that this ritual has all the characteristics of a symbolic and narrative ritual of tashrruf (arrival to pilgrimage) and with its special coherence, it prepares the mentality of the participants for the transition from linear time to sacred time, and on the other hand, it is a systematic introduction to enter the sacred space of Imam Riḍā's (as) shrine. In fact, this ritual is like a window for the worshipers to enter the holy time and place. In addition, the said ritual has multiple functions such as relieving anxiety, enhancing the social personality and strengthening the religious identity of the worshipers.


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