Document Type : Original Article


1 meybod university

2 Shahid Beheshti University


A successful manager is someone who, in situations, reaps the best and fastest benefits at times of crisis. In dealing with unusual set of circumstances, a crisis manager provides a reasonable solution to reclaim the fundamental interests and values. These uncustomary occurrences usually get recognized as signs of being a threat to the whole existence of the organization and a rather surprising event, thus, the need for immediate decision and change is fittingly acknowledged. Researchers of various management fields have studied both generalized and specialized behaviors of divine managers to discover the management principles existing within Islamic values. This paper has studied the topic by utilizing the analytical-descriptive method by means of Hermeneutic analysis procedure and a qualitative approach of phenomenology. The following findings answer the inquest regarding the approach of Imam Riḍā (as) to being offered the successor position by Maʾmūn Abbasi. First of all, the mainly related and important components of that era are examined. Furthermore, both opportunity and threat inducing components are studied in the form of contextual and governmental constituents. Then, using the approach of Imam Riḍā (as) in this case, the actions took by His Majesty (as) are examined in managing the crisis at the time, whether it’s related to pre-crisis preventions and preparation or during the crisis itself and post-crisis management proceedings.


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