Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University (corresponding author)

2 PhD student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University


The invaluable anthology of Muntahi al-Āmāl by Abbas Qomi is one of the vitally important Shi’ism sources concerning the life history of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the Twelve Imams (as); the book mainly revolves around the personal conditions and an incisive epitome of the Ahl al-Bayt’s (as) benignities, virtues, and thoughts. To this end, Imam Riḍā (as) played a major role because of being contemporaneuos with the pinnacle of discrepancies and political tensions in the course of Maʾmūn Abbasi’s succession; the book draws attention to his Majesty’s supersensible visage in certain parts of its content. In this article, the writers have set out to disclose the functional role of these narrations, known as the religious tools in the field of educational purposes of the society, using a methodical study and a contextual analysis of the educative aspects of Imam Riḍā’s (as) approach in the book; owing to the belief that to achieve knowledge of the viewpoints and the theoretical aspects of every character is to recognize the necessity for analyzing and examining the content of their speech and faith. The findings of this paper includes and is not limited to: a general summary of the atmosphere governing the narrations of the book, the examination and the analysis of the data, presentment of a comprehensive model for a systemic proof of these narrations, and the discovery of the educative methods of Imam Riḍā (as) for enriching the Razavi culture in society. The research method of this study incorporates a descriptive-analytical procedure by the utilization of library tools as well as a contextual examination in the expressive and directional formats. This article attempts to illuminate educational solutions and promote its localization in society.


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منابع اینترنتی
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تاریخ مشاهده: 18/12/1400