Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member of the Department of Islamic Education, , Al-Zahra University

2 PhD Student in Islamic History, Al-Zahra University (Corresponding Author)

3 PhD student in Quran and Hadith, Al-Zahra University


Verbal and non-verbal communication has different functions in convincing the audience, and in the analysis of texts, it is an important subject and is implied as a complement to the words of the speaker. The words of the infallible Imams (as) while convincing the people, communicate with them and use various words, sentences and phrases to convince the audience. Imam Riḍā (as) has used the tool of persuasion in his debates with people of different religions and schools of thought. This study considers Raḍavi debates in two axes of verbal communication and non-verbal communication. The result of the research shows that the Imam (as) has used through verbal persuasion such as the best argument, citing authentic and reasoned sources, and also through non-verbal persuasion such as body language and the persuasive person's behavior towards his opponent in conversations. In addition, paying attention to the audience's beliefs and rejecting, correcting or confirming them in various forms, indicates that the Imam seeks to convince the audience according to their temporal and spatial situation and also pays attention to their mental and psychological situation.
