Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University of Kermanshah

2 PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University of Kermanshah

3 Master of Science in Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University of Kermanshah


Ritual poetry is one of the types of teaching poetry that has an ancient background in literature. The supreme position of Imam Riḍā (as) among the Shiites, and especially his presence in Iran, has caused the poets of every corner of this land to create beautiful inspirational works and make great works in this regard, and taking steps thereafter a great deal in the richness of religious literature. Meanwhile, "Mohammad Hossein Gharavi Isfahani" and "Khoshdel Tehrani" are a typical example of the well-known poets who form the majority of their poems and praise Ahl al-Bayt (as). In this research, firstly, according to the position of the comparative literature, it proceeds from the perspective of the American school, which emphasizes the aesthetic, interdisciplinary, and interdisciplinary studies of the prominent features of this theory, and then, through a descriptive-analytical method, based on evidence of the poetry of these two poets, with the aim of comparative study of the themes of Raḍavī in ​​his mediates and his successor, has been discussed. The findings of this research indicate that the two poets in the discussions such as: The expression of the moral virtues of Imam (as), the wisdom and knowledge, the dignity and virtues of Imam (as), the wilāyat (authority), the imam's signification, the dignity of the Imam, the historical events of Imam's life (as), prayer asking for rain, and the hadith of the Ḍāmin Āhū (deer guarantor), the passion of pilgrimage, intercession, etc., have similarities and different aspects; the results indicate that the Raḍavī  theme of Khoshdel Tehrani poetry, due to the beautiful literary images and its various themes, has had a more influential effect on the audience than the poetry of Isfahani, although in the poetry of Gharavi there are also some beautiful new themes.


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