Journal Guideline: Sign up and Submit an Article

     Dear author, in order to submit an article, you must first register in the system. After completing the registration form, the password will be sent to your email. Therefore, use the correct email address that you have access to. After receiving the password, log in and enter your article information and finally upload the original article file. When submitting the article, pay attention to the main description on the authors' guideline page. Prepare and compile the article based on the format and instructions of the journal and register it in the system. Use only one address to register and submit your article.


     Details and steps for registering and submitting an article are as follows:

     - Join the system by completing the registration form

     - Receive password via email

     - Login with username and password

     - Complete the article information form including title, abstract, keyword

     - Upload the original article text file

     - Submit the article (if you have complied with all the terms and conditions, it is possible to send the article, otherwise, the submit article button will not be activated).

     ** Download and complete the conflict of interest form and upload it in the system articles file

     *** Download and complete the letter of commitment and upload it in the system articles file